An update on my newsletter name change and the launch of a weekly "Keara About Town" essay series.
Hello subscribers! I’m excited to announce a few small changes to my Substack that, if my prophetic visions are any indication, I think you will enjoy.
First, you will notice that the name of the Substack has changed. You have a good eye. What was once “Aspiring Indie Darling” has now been rebranded to “The Keara Sullivan Substack.” But there is no reason to fret! Though the name of the newsletter has changed, the writer behind it all (moi) has not. I am still the same aspiring indie darling, only now with a much fuller understanding of brand name recognition power.
Secondly, I’m pleased to announce some fun, new content that’s coming your way! In addition to my usual long form essays, I’ll now also be publishing weekly-column style “Keara About Town” essays every Friday. The topics of these short essays will vary from week to week (alongside my mood) and largely deal with recent observations, annoyances, and experiences of mine. I’m hoping this “Keara About Town” weekly series will be able to satiate your thirst for Keara writing content during the gaps between my longer essays.
As always, thank you for reading and thank you for subscribing!
Huge news I simply cannot wait